A Study on the Origins of the Ancient Olympic 체육사 : 고대 올림픽 경기의 기원에 대한 연구
38(2) 9-23, 1999
A Study on the Origins of the Ancient Olympic 체육사 : 고대 올림픽 경기의 기원에 대한 연구
This paper aims at finding the origins of the ancient Olympic. The ancient Olympic had its objects to unite Greek states and to worship their gods by means of the athletic contests in the Olympian shrine. Their love of competition made them progressive spirit every corner of life, and their progressive spirit took the worship ceremony to Zeus and other gods, at the same time held the athletic contests.
The ancient Olympic had its four origins as follows;
Firstly, ceremonial athletics in honor of gods was the origin of the ancient Olympic. Greek mythology told us many gods` contests among themselves, so to speak, wrestling contest between Chronos and Zeus, and between Poseidon and Athene, between Apollo and Phiton, etc. We think Gods is only solemn, omniscient and omnipotent. But in the mythology of ancient Greece, gods had the manlike characteristics in many aspects.
Secondly, religious habits wanting plenty of grain and revering heroes and national war-deads were also the origins. Many heroes and the deads in the battlefield were highly worshiped by their nations, especially in the ancient Greek poleis. Many heroes were cited in the ancient periods as founders of the Games, amongst them Pelops, who first held the chariot race, as a thanks offering to the gods for his victory over Oinomaos. This chariot race was chosen into Olympian Games afterwards. Herakles, who brought the wild olive to Olympia, introduced athletics and chariot race. The bans instituted the ritual games in memory of Oedipus, who repelled the sphinx. And Phillippides, the runner of the Marathon battlefield, and Leonidas the king of Sparta, Lykourgos the politician of Sparta, were also revered by all Greek people, so the Greeks instituted ritual games in memory of them.
Thirdly, athletics in the Minoan and Mycenaen periods were also the origin of Games. Minoan civilization people were very fond of athletic games, tumbling, bull-leaping, pugilism and wrestling. Tumbling was far more popular in the Crete. Wrestlers wore the helmets to protect their heads and pugilists wore one glove on right hand. Pugilism was wide spread in the Aegean islands which were directly influenced by the Minoan civilization. The athletics in this period were developed into the Mycenaean sports which developed very rapidly in true sense such as foot-races and chariot-races. This development was largely due to the general character of Mycenaean society which was more warlike.
Finally, I would insist the origin of ancient Olympic was the funeral games which were seen in the Homer`s epic poems. There we can find out the funeral games of Patroclos upon vol.23th of that epic poems. He was a general of Greek allied forces and a friend of general Achilles. This funeral games were the most similar to those of the ancient Olympic Games. So this funeral game was the most directional element which made the ancient Olympic.
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A Historical Review of Colonial Gymnastic Education and Korean People's Body Formation 체육사 : 식민지 체조교육과 한국인의 신체형성에 관한 역사적 고찰
38(2) 24-34, 1999
A Historical Review of Colonial Gymnastic Education and Korean People's Body Formation 체육사 : 식민지 체조교육과 한국인의 신체형성에 관한 역사적 고찰
The purposes of the present study were to review what were the intention and content of gymnastic education which was unfolded during the time of Japanese imperialism and what were the effects of the intention and content on the korean people`s body formation, focusing on the gymnastic education which was unfolded in the public schools under Japanese colonial occupation.
With the intention of upbringing a loyal subject and an obeying body of which were in need for colonial rule, Japanese promoted and replenished gymnastics in Korea. In terms of the content of gymnastic education, gymnastics changed into the form of discipline which controled and managed students` bodies. This gymnastic education resulted in the standardization of Korean students` bodies that were obeying bodies.
Japanese tried to change Korean students` bodies into the bodies for the nationalism via replenishment and promotion of gymnastic education which was in combination with radio gymnastics and Japanese emperor`s subject gymnastic education.
With the intensive implementation of the gymnastic education, Korean students` bodies were disciplined and changed into the bodies obeying instruction and command from the childhood.
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Influence of military characteristics of the physical education in Korea 체육사 : 한국 학교체육에 내재된 군사주의적 특성형성에 관한 연구
38(2) 35-53, 1999
Influence of military characteristics of the physical education in Korea 체육사 : 한국 학교체육에 내재된 군사주의적 특성형성에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of militaristic characteristics and its influence on the gymnastic class in the school of Korean educational system in general and the developing process of those ideas in specific. The following conclusions have been drawn from the study.
Militaristic characteristics had been introduced and emphasized in the system of Korean gymnastics from the beginning of schooling. The main idea of military style of gym came from the consciousness of crisis caused by threatens from surrounding strong countries. It has found that the militaristic forms of gym had been influenced by the German gymnasium on that time. There were three different ways of introduction: (1) by foreign missionaries and teachers those who were staying in Seoul; (2) by the indirect ways of reformers such as Seo, Jae-pil through the Japan; and (3) by the teachers came from the old Korean army. Under the Japanese colonials, as strong means, the militaristic gym had been introduced and enforced by Japanese in order to control the Korean peninsula. Approaching the end of colonialism, the Japanese government much more emphasized the militaristic gym under the guise of gym in the school.
After emancipation from Japan, the U.S. military government in Korea had introduced the concept of democratic education and attempted to reform the Korean educational system. However, it had failed to reform the system as it was expected, because of shortage of well-educated teachers at the front line. They had to employed untrained teachers. After a few years, the Korean War had been broken out and Korean people had met a turmoil of ideological conflict. The Korean government had established a defense system of student and very deeply emphasized the militaristic gym in the school again by itself. Also under the influence of elite gym, the style of militaristic gym had been placed as a universal element.
To remove or to make the influence weaker, in the real sense of education, for the purpose of physical education, the centralized educational courses should be revised and adjusted to meet the need of local, physical education, as a form of co-ed, that makes it possible to participate both genders together. We need those kind of co-ed gym system as soon as possibile.
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An Oriental Philosophical Approach to Identify Physical Education 체육철학 : 체육학의 정체성 확립을 위한 동양철학적 접근
38(2) 57-67, 1999
An Oriental Philosophical Approach to Identify Physical Education 체육철학 : 체육학의 정체성 확립을 위한 동양철학적 접근
The aims of this study are finding out an alternative that oriental philosophical view could propose to overcome essential problems in present physical education, and examining differences between oriental philosophical approach and western philosophical approach. Through this work, we might show the alternative, which has characteristics of creativity, synthesis, and interdependency, and then establish the new identification for the 21st century`s physical education.
The oriental philosophical approach to physical education could be divided into two methods of study.
First, 養生(氣, 經穴, 瞑想, 禪) which is the main stream of oriental philosophy, should be examined by experience through practical activities.
Second, the books of oriental philosophy which take the most part in present physical education should be get objectivity and then those could be studied. That method could be used in studying axiology and ontology of physical education.
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The meaning of Winning and losing in Sport 체육철학 : 스포츠에서 승리와 패배의 함의
38(2) 68-76, 1999
The meaning of Winning and losing in Sport 체육철학 : 스포츠에서 승리와 패배의 함의
A man is value-selected being. The values that a man selected determine his life and his personality. Therefore, the value selection of winning is the most important factor in the sporting context. what meaning does winning in sporting context give to the sportsman? what do you think is the winning in the sporting context? why does winning at the costs be problem? So I shall discuss these problems. we must know what original meaning of winning is? In order to know this, we have to analyze winning in the sporting context. So I will divided winning in the sporting context two aspect. I must compare these aspects with each other. one is winning as meaning and reality, the other is winning as phenomenon and result.
Athletes cannot survive social systems if they cannot satisfy winning as phenomenon and result. They lose value as sportsman. winning is not everything in sports, but for surviving. This is result of possessiveness and could result in vanity of the game and shorten the athletic life. Winning as meaning and reality belong to mind dimensions of human being. We have found the meaning that trans-survival desire in the sporting context. Winning as meaning and reality pursue values and it is realized in the sport world. If we participate only to win as phenomenon and result. I Think it a serious problem. There is no meaning in sport itself.
Winning to sportsman in the world is the realization of physical excellence, strictly speaking, winning in the sporting context divided into two aspects. one is winning as meaning and reality. and the other is winning as phenomenon and result. But the winning we should pursuit is the former which has faithful substance, impressive lesson and physical excellence. This has educational values. While the latter emphasis result when the game is over. Therefore this has winning is apt to be connected with `win at all cost`, existence and meaningful winning, not for the winning as phenomenon and result, but winning as meaning and reality. such as that, sportsman in the sporting context must realize physical excellence.
In the future sport must be a win as cost which emphasizes meaning and reality. In the aspect the goal of all sportsman is the creative and harmonized realization of their potentiality possibility. This is the demonstration of the original values of sports itself. Therefore winning in the sporting context is not winning as phenomenon, result and score board marks, but winning as meaning and reality. So it must be a tool of self-recognition, self-realization and meaning realization. winning in the sporting context means evaluation frame that sportsman overcome self-difficult. In the future, I shall hope sports world win at all cost as meaning and reality in the sporting context.
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A Study on the Theory of Body Formation in J.J, Rousseau's Naturalistic Thoughts 체육철학 : 루소의 자연주의 사상에 나타난 신체형성론 연구
38(2) 77-86, 1999
A Study on the Theory of Body Formation in J.J, Rousseau's Naturalistic Thoughts 체육철학 : 루소의 자연주의 사상에 나타난 신체형성론 연구
This study aims to analyze the intrinsic attribute of the physical formation of human body in J. J. Rousseau`s naturalistic thoughts with special reference to his significant works including E´mile, ou De L`E´ducation, and to compare it with Johann Christoph Friedrich GutsMuths` views on naturalistic physical training.
The conclusions are obtained from this comparative analysis as follows:
Rousseau`s views on human body is not only a free view on human body which admits the natural human body but negates the subordinate human body, but also a solidary view on human body which sets up the collective being acknowledging the social human body on the basis of the free view on human body. As for Rousseau, he aims to form freely human body by establishing his views on free human body and solidary human body. He puts a stress upon the importance of human body ready for all situations subjectively on the whole.
In this respect, Rousseau tries to develop human who can act and work everywhere whenever he likes as a physical function at the final step of inequality in the period of crisis and revolution based upon the historical awareness that humanity degrades by socialization of natural human(L`homme naturel).
In addition, there shows a clear consistency between Rousseau`s views on the physical training and GutsMuths` on the point that they tires to pursue the various methods and principles for the union of nature and human body on the basis of naturalistic thoughts on the physical training. It can be said that Rousseau as the pioneer of modern physical training, has a great influence upon GutsMuths, so-called the father of modern physical training. Therefore, Rousseau puts a stress upon the thoroughly naturalistic education and physical training through his major works including E´mile, ou De L`E´ducation on the point that all kinds of artificial education distort a real education.
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The Analysis of Soccer Athletes' Experiences from France Worldcup '98 스포츠사회학 : '98 프랑스 월드컵 한국대표 축구선수들의 게임 경험에 관한 체험분석
38(2) 89-99, 1999
The Analysis of Soccer Athletes' Experiences from France Worldcup '98 스포츠사회학 : '98 프랑스 월드컵 한국대표 축구선수들의 게임 경험에 관한 체험분석
The purpose of this study is based on experiences from France Worldcup `98, and this study is concluded by four parts according to playing experience with experimental elements and meanings.
First, the experimental space makes that athletes can realize and experience the place with themselves which is caused by a real game on the field. These can happen when they don`t have enough information about away game, away stadium, away audience, and also the lack of their struggling and braveness.
Second, the experimental relation is occurred when athletes have the hostility with others. This can explain that they automatically think others are absolutely competitors right after the game starts. Therefore, the meaning of fair play or fair game with others is when they have thoughts of winning it all only on their minds.
Third, the experimental body is occurred when athletes realize self-consciousness, condition, concentration and integration towards their bodies on the field. When they concentrate what they are doing on the field, they forget about the limitation of their bodies. This subjective self-consciousness can happen when they think their movements and actions are unified with their transcendental minds of bodies.
Forth, the experimental time have been shown the transcendence and the confusion about the actual playing time on athletes` minds. During the real game, they have often forgotten their sense of time towards the game because of this experimental time.
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The Continuing in Sports Group : Tntra - Group Attraction as Social Behavior 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠집단에 남아있기 : 사회적 행위로서 집단내 매력
38(2) 100-107, 1999
The Continuing in Sports Group : Tntra - Group Attraction as Social Behavior 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠집단에 남아있기 : 사회적 행위로서 집단내 매력
The present study has investigated intra-group attraction formation among sports group members. It has taken on a symbolic interactionist approach and analyzed the social processes involved in intra-group attraction among the sports group members.
Eight females ranged from 33 to 55 years of age, with the swimming experience of from 18 months to 14 years. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and non-participant observation during the period from December, 1997 through April, 1998. The following generalizations were reached at.
The intra-group attraction in sports groups comprises of interpersonal relationship, goal adjustment, group prestige, and activity engagement. The interpersonal relationship is formed by communication and fellowship. The activity engagement concerns performing skills, maintaining health, and energetic life styles.
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A Study on the Distribution Characteristics of the Village Sports Facilities of Metropolitan Self-Government 스포츠사회학 : 광역자치단체의 동네체육시설 분포 특성에 관한 연구
고재곤JaeGonKo , 채영식YoungSikChae , 김인현InHyunKim
38(2) 108-117, 1999
A Study on the Distribution Characteristics of the Village Sports Facilities of Metropolitan Self-Government 스포츠사회학 : 광역자치단체의 동네체육시설 분포 특성에 관한 연구
고재곤JaeGonKo , 채영식YoungSikChae , 김인현InHyunKim
It is very important to decide where, which, how much, and in what order a government or a local self-government should provide sports facilities. That is, it is highly important to expand and maintain daily life sports facilities more equally and reasonably, given the fact that these facilities are directly connected to the improvement of welfare and public health.
In light of this, this study compared and analyzed the present conditions on the village sports facilities among daily life sports facilities per each metropolitan self-government, as a part of efforts to present the rationality of supply policy on daily life sports facilities, and further analyzed which correlation village sports facilities have with the population and GDP of metropolitan self-governing body. The results of this study are as follows:
First, it is analyzed that village sports facilities among the daily life sports facilities are disproportionately concentrated in Seoul and Kyunggi-do. Since this disequilibrium might cause many problems, it is necessary to review the policy and to adjust it so as to assure equal distribution of daily life sports facilities.
Second, it is analyzed that population and GDP are positively related with the village sports facilities, as the results of analysis with the variables of population and GDP. This means that policy alternative should be presented to meet the characteristics and conditions of local self-government in expanding or maintaining the village sports facilities.
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A Study on the Changing Process of the Symbolic Sphere in TaeKwonDo 스포츠사회학 : 태권도 상징국면의 변화에 관한 연구 - 제도화 과정 중심으로 -
김명수MyungSooKim , 임태성TaeSungLim
38(2) 118-130, 1999
A Study on the Changing Process of the Symbolic Sphere in TaeKwonDo 스포츠사회학 : 태권도 상징국면의 변화에 관한 연구 - 제도화 과정 중심으로 -
김명수MyungSooKim , 임태성TaeSungLim
The institutionalization is attained when a lot of people have sympathy with a certain phenomenon and come to share it. Gerth and Mills(1969) analysed the structure of Institutionalization into the following four spheres: education, status, technique and symbol. The study on the changing process of the symbolic sphere in Taekwondo is done on the basis of their analysis.
The process of Taekwondo`s institutionalization can be explained with the following six parts with taking the symbolic sphere to become the barometer of the changes.
1. Name of Taekwondo
After 1945, martial arts - which had had forms of fighting skills and had various names from the primitive ages - under the influence of Japan it was nominated as Dangsudo, Kwonbub, Kongsudo, etc.. Once in 1955, it was called Taekwondo, which was named by Choi Hong-hee, but it was not unified under one name, Taekwondo, until 1962. The unification under one name accelerated the change of Taekwondo in a symbolic sphere.
2. Terminology of Taekwondo
The terms which were used in Taekwondo were expressed in Chinese characters in the 1950s. But after the 1970s, terms came to be expressed in Hanguel, which is simple and easy to understand.
3. Badge of Taekwondo
After the 5 Kwans which were the main organization in the 1950s, several branches came into being and the marks to symbolize them increased in number and diversified. However, the mark of Taekwondo was first unified by that of Korea Taesudo Association in 1961, and then changed to Korea TaeKwonDo Association in 1965.
4. Spirit of Taekwondo
The spirit of loyalty and filial piety which was the morality of teachers in the past influenced the Korea TaeKwonDo Association to set and unify the regulations of manners in Taekwondo. According to the trend of globalization, it came to emphasize harmony, friendship, mind of techniques and etiquette.
5. Signs of Referees in Taekwondo
In the 1950s, referees signed with white and red flags. However, after 1962 the hand signals were created and reformed so that they would be more convenient and helpful to be fair in the way to process the games, come to a quick judgement and help the spectators to accurately understand.
6. The marks obtained in Taekwondo
The marks obtained in Taekwondo were expressed with white and red flags at first, but after 1962 the way changed into signs and marking table of referees. Nowadays, thanks to the development of technology, the marks are shown on the electric board immediately.
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Effects of Participation in a Sport Dance Program on Self - esteem and Subconscious Delinquency 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠댄스가 청소년의 자기존중감과 잠재적 일탈성향에 미치는 영향
박계순KyeSoonPark , 최희남HeeNamChoi , 이도웅DoWoongLee
38(2) 131-144, 1999
Effects of Participation in a Sport Dance Program on Self - esteem and Subconscious Delinquency 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠댄스가 청소년의 자기존중감과 잠재적 일탈성향에 미치는 영향
박계순KyeSoonPark , 최희남HeeNamChoi , 이도웅DoWoongLee
This study examined the effects of participation in sport dance on middle school students self-esteem and subconscious delinquency. A total of 246 students from 6 classes in a coed middle school were assigned into either a sport dance group (n = 125, 3 classes) or a control group (n = 121, 3 classes). Students in the sport dance group participated in the after school sport dance program two times a week (2 hours a week). Each of the three sport dance classes participated in 1-month, 2-month, and 3-month program Demographic variables of interested included gender and family income. Self-esteem was proposed as a moderating variable in the relationship between sport dance participation and subconscious delinquency. Reliability and validity of the measures used in this study were acceptable. Statistical procedures used to analyze the data included t-test, ANOVA, multiple correlation, multiple correlation, multiple regression, and path analysis. The results showed that gender was not related to subconscious delinquency, while family income was significantly correlated with self-esteem but not with subconscious delinquency. Students in the sport dance group were high in self-esteem and low in subconscious delinquency compared to those in the control group. The students in the 3-month period program showed significantly high scores on both self-esteem and subconscious delinquency measures compared to the shorter period classes.
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The Relationship between Leisure Sports Participation and Social Support , Psychological Well - being : National survey data for Korea 스포츠사회학 : 여가스포츠활동과 사회적지지 및 심리적 안녕감의 관계 : 국가 통계자료 이용
서진교JinGyoSeo , 박장근JangGeunPark , 서정윤JeongYoonSeo
38(2) 145-157, 1999
The Relationship between Leisure Sports Participation and Social Support , Psychological Well - being : National survey data for Korea 스포츠사회학 : 여가스포츠활동과 사회적지지 및 심리적 안녕감의 관계 : 국가 통계자료 이용
서진교JinGyoSeo , 박장근JangGeunPark , 서정윤JeongYoonSeo
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between in Leisure sports participation and social support, psychological well-being, for using secondary analysis data from extant national survey data. A Korean national survey, the Korea Health Survey, Provides the data for our study. This survey was conducted in 1995. Responses were obtained 5805 persons between 15 and 69 years of age. For our present analyses, we considered only the 5331 respondent who were 20 years of age and older. In order to analyze the data, this study used a Spss for Windows Version 8.01 program for statistical analysis, and was completed using, average comparative analysis, analysis covariance, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis, etc.
Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results.
First, the participation in Leisure sports influences on social support, psychological well-being.
Second, degree of leisure sports activity participation influence on social support. participant intensity is positive influence on life-satisfaction, degree of love. and degree of leisure sports activity participation influence on psychological well-being. participant duration is positive influence on suicide, but participant frequency is negative influence depression.
Third, leisure sports activity participant`s social support partially influence on psychological well-being. that is, life-satisfaction, degree of love, stress factor for social support influence on depression, life-satisfaction, stress sub-factors for social support influence on suicide.
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A study of the confirmatory model between a leisure motivation and life satisfaction of the elderly 스포츠사회학 : 노인의 여가동기와 생활만족도 간의 구조적 모델
문용YongMun , 신갑호GapHoShin
38(2) 158-169, 1999
A study of the confirmatory model between a leisure motivation and life satisfaction of the elderly 스포츠사회학 : 노인의 여가동기와 생활만족도 간의 구조적 모델
문용YongMun , 신갑호GapHoShin
To develop the confirmatory model between leisure motivation and life satisfaction of the elderly, this study was focused to develop the structural relationship among subscales of leisure motivation - self enhancement needs, self-expression needs, social communication needs and natural communication needs - participation of sport for all and life satisfaction of the elderly.
The study tool for measuring leisure motivation was a 4 point Likert Scale questionnaire adjusted for this research propose developed by yung-shin, Sung(1996a, 1996b), and the Life Satisfaction a 4 point Likert Scale questionnaire developed by sung-jae, Choe(1986).
Analysis was done by the LISREL 8.12 version using Liner Structural Equation Modeling.
The results of this study was a follows:
Firstly, There was showed effecting for self - expression needs, social communication needs and natural communication needs to participation of sport for all.
Secondly, There was showed effecting for participation of sport for all to life satisfaction.
Thirdly, There was showed effecting for self-enhancement needs, social communication needs and natural communication needs to life satisfaction.
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A Review concerning Legal Theory for Sport Rights 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠권의 법리에 관한 소고
심재영JaeYoungShim , 송기성KiSungSong
38(2) 170-181, 1999
A Review concerning Legal Theory for Sport Rights 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠권의 법리에 관한 소고
심재영JaeYoungShim , 송기성KiSungSong
To improve the understanding for the sport rights, the authors have reviewed the related literatures, the constitutional background materials. At this paper, the authors have to tried to investigate the constitutional backgrounds, to constitute legal theory for the free rights related sport, and to analyze the theoretical problems concerning the social-aspect rights.
To be recognized as a constitutional rights to all, sport should be evaluated as a basic human rights, however it is not appropriate and enough that sport is just reviewed in terms of constitutional free-rights aspect.
In Korea where the constitutional free-rights aspect for sport has not ever been recognized, the problem and issue should be disputed first of all. Anyway, the basic rights for sport is that every person has a rights to participate and enjoy it. To protect and keep this fundamental rights we have to investigate the social-aspect of the rights through resolving legal theory task. This rights is needed not only for individual needs but also for whole society`s benefits.
Furthermore, it is very limited to secure the rights for sport at the individual basis. Therefore, any country has to have a responsibility to provide conditions, range, and procedures for sport activities for all. These conditions, ranges, and procedures are the social-aspect rights for sport.
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A Study on the Variation of Personality accorting to the Characteristics of Martial Arts 스포츠사회학 : 무도 특성에 따른 인성의 변화에 관한 연구
38(2) 182-199, 1999
A Study on the Variation of Personality accorting to the Characteristics of Martial Arts 스포츠사회학 : 무도 특성에 따른 인성의 변화에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to compare the personality change between different sports which have different age level and characteristics. Standardized personality examining test was done to the subject of 600, which were composed of 4 different levels -elementary, junior high, senior high, and college- and 3 groups composed of Judo athletes, Taekwondo athletes, and non-athletes. The results of this study were as follows: 1) In inter-group analysis that included elementary to college level, Taekwondo group showed the highest score in 6 characteristics. But there was no significance between Judo group and Control group in terms of activity, stability, dominance, and autonomy, whereas Control group got higher score than Judo group in sociability and reflectiveness. 2) In the elementary level, Taekwondo group showed the highest score in dominance, sociability, and reflectiveness. And the Judo group showed relative significant difference in dominance, and Control group showed relative significant difference in reflectiveness, respectively. 3) In the junior high school level, there was a significant difference among groups in activity, stability, and autonomy. Taekwondo group marked the highest score. Judo group showed relatively high score in activity, and Control group showed high score in stability and reflectiveness than the comparing group. 4) In the senior high school level, there were no significant differences among groups in all 6 characteristics. 5) In the college level, Taekwondo group showed highest scores in activity, stability, dominance, reflectiveness, and autonomy, and Control group showed highest score in sociability. There was a significant difference between Control and Judo group, and significant difference in sociability between Taekwondo and Judo group. But there was no significant difference in activity, stability, reflectiveness, and autonomy between Judo and Control group. 6) In anxiety, significant difference among groups occurred. And Judo group marked the highest score. Paranoia showed significant difference among groups in the senior high school level, and Control group showed the highest score, which showed the difference from martial art training groups. 7) In clinical criteria of college, Taekwondo group showed lowest score compared to other groups. 8) When comparing Judo group and Taekwondo group, there was a difference in personality characteristics. But when comparing Judo group and Control group, the assumption that there would be a difference between martial art groups and non-athlete group was partially denied.
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The Model Development of Sports for All and Leisure Program for Jobholder's Social Welfare Promotion in 21st Century 스포츠사회학 : 21C 직장인의 복지증진을 위한 사회체육 및 여가 Program Model 개발 연구
이근모KeunMoLee , 황태상TaeSangHwang
38(2) 200-223, 1999
The Model Development of Sports for All and Leisure Program for Jobholder's Social Welfare Promotion in 21st Century 스포츠사회학 : 21C 직장인의 복지증진을 위한 사회체육 및 여가 Program Model 개발 연구
이근모KeunMoLee , 황태상TaeSangHwang
The purpose of this study was to survey the jobholder`s present condition about the object of leisure, leisure activity types, the obstacle factors of leisure, and the preference type in sport and to develope the model of sports for all and leisure program for jobholder`s social welfare promotion in 21st century through this survey.
The conclusions of this study which based upon the results of data analyses were as follows;
1) Jobholder`s object of leisure
It showed male more focus on their family in the object of leisure as they grow older. It showed female prefer their family in the object of leisure regardless of age. Moreover, it showed a friendly society become the object of leisure as they grow older regardless of gender.
2) Jobholder`s leisure activity type
It was founded that climbing is the most popular activity in male`s leisure activity. Especially, people engaged in sales or service business spend their most time in sleeping or resting and people engaged in management or running of a business act a golf as a leisure activity compared with other occupations. For female, it showed a picnic or housekeeping is the most popular in a leisure activity regardless of types of occupation.
3) Jobholder`s obstacle factors of leisure
The insufficiency of time and money was revealed the most important obstacle factor of leisure regardless of gender and occupation..
4) Jobholder`s preference type in sport
It showed male prefer golf in every type of occupation. Especially, it was found profession such as professor, physician, or lawyer and public servant prefer horsing and people engaged in sales or production prefer scuba diving. It was revealed most of female prefer golf in sport regardless of types of occupation, but public servant like swimming most, people engaged in management like a scuba diving most, and people engaged in sales or production like a Taekwondo most.
5) Sports and leisure program models to promote jobholder`s job satisfaction, welfare and quality of life are composed of purpose of joining, choice process of program, program execution and repractice through feedback.
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The Relationships among Leisure Perception and Social Support of Leisure Sports Activity Participation 스포츠사회학 : 여가스포츠활동 참여와 여가인지자유 및 사회적지지의 관계
38(2) 224-234, 1999
The Relationships among Leisure Perception and Social Support of Leisure Sports Activity Participation 스포츠사회학 : 여가스포츠활동 참여와 여가인지자유 및 사회적지지의 관계
This study was to empirically examine the relationships among leisure perception and social support of leisure sports activity participation. To put it concretely, examine the relationships among leisure perception and social support of leisure sports activity participations` type and participation`s degree.
For accomplishing this purpose of the study, the 450 subjects were selected by the stratified cluster random sampling method from the participants in leisure sports activity programs of culture centers and sport facilities in 1998 located in Chulra-Do. The sample number used in actual analysis was 354 people. In order to analyze the data, this study used a SPSS/PC+ 8.0 version for windows program for statistical analysis, and was completed using reliability analysis(Cronbach`s α value), and ANCOVA. And finally, using standard multiple regression analysis method. From the analysis of this study, the following conclusions were obtained:
Firstly, leisure perception are partially different by the leisure sports activity participation type but, social support are not different by the leisure sports activity participation type
Secondly, degree of leisure sports activity participation influences on leisure perception and social support.
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The Influence of Contextual Interference Effect on the Shooting Skill Improvement for Beginners 스포츠심리학 : 맥락간섭 효과가 초보자 사격술 향상에 미치는 영향
38(2) 237-245, 1999
The Influence of Contextual Interference Effect on the Shooting Skill Improvement for Beginners 스포츠심리학 : 맥락간섭 효과가 초보자 사격술 향상에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to extract practice arrangement or training method in order to maximize marksmanship learning by applying contextual interference effect manipulating parameters(shooting ranges) under the same motor program(trench shooting) for beginners. Subjects were given fixed training time and fixed number of times of shooting, and were randomly assigned to one of three groups: blocked, serial, and random group. At the acquisition stage, every group performed six blocks consists of 10 trials a block, the blocked group executed every twenty shots in the order of 100m, 200m, and 250m, the serial group executed sixty shots in the order of 250m, 100m, 200m, 250m, 100m, 200m, 250m, 200m, 100m, 200m repeatedly, and the random group carried out sixty shots under the condition of presenting three targets randomly. At the retention stage, three ranges were presented by random order, and, at the transfer stage, three movable automatic targets of 75m, 150m, and 225m were presented randomly. All subjects performed 10 shots in retention and transfer, respectively. Since any significant differences among groups were not found, the results did not support precedent researches that had examined contextual interference effects through sport skill tasks, rather were consistent with the opinion of Magill and Hall(1990) which synthesized laboratory experiments, that is, the contextual interference effect is not found when task variations to be learned are governed by same generalized motor program. Thus, the results of this study suggest that though an experiment is applied by sport skill, if the experiment was planned by low degrees of freedom of the body segments and simple parameter manipulation under the same generalized motor program, it might fail to verify the learning effect of high contextual interference.
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The Phenomenon of Relative Time Invariance in Aimed Hand Movements
38(2) 246-254, 1999
The Phenomenon of Relative Time Invariance in Aimed Hand Movements
The time of peak positive acceleration in aimed hand movements has scaled with movement duration at a fixed absolute time. Given to importance of this finding for generalized motor program theory, as well as linear-speed accuracy trade-off theories, this study determined whether this finding is robust for aimed hand movement produced in different orientations(Horizontal Vs Vertical) and different directions(up, down, left and right). Eight subjects performed 72 aimed hand movement trials at each of four directions and four MT goal conditions, for either a Vertical or a Horizontal orientation. For movements less than or equal to 250 ms in duration, except for movements made in the Vertical orientation in the down direction. In this exceptional condition, the time of peak positive acceleration was related linearly to movement duration. These results are discussed in relation to generalized motor program theory, impulse-variability models, and the general issue of examining kinematic profiles to determine the central nervous system signal to muscles.
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The Effect of Competitive State Anxiety with 3 sub - categories on the Performance of Judo Athletes 스포츠심리학 : 경쟁상태불안의 하위효소들이 유도선수의 경기력에 미치는 영향
38(2) 255-270, 1999
The Effect of Competitive State Anxiety with 3 sub - categories on the Performance of Judo Athletes 스포츠심리학 : 경쟁상태불안의 하위효소들이 유도선수의 경기력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between the competitive state anxiety with 3 sub-categories and the effect of performance on gender, school levels and weight classification.
The study employed 268 Judo players in middle school, 523 high school and 357 universities/adults, 1136 total.
The results of this study are as follow;
1. For gender, there were significant differences in subtests of competitive state anxiety. Somatic state anxiety showed significant differences in athletes of middle schools, cognitive state anxiety in athletes of middle and high schools, state confidence in athletes of high schools and universities/adults.
2. For school levels, there were significant differences in subtests of competitive state anxiety. Somatic state anxiety showed significant differences between high schools and universities/adults, and between middles schools and high schools, cognitive state anxiety between middle and high school, state confidence between middle schools and high schools, and between high schools and universities/adults.
3. For weight classification, there were significant differences in subtests of competitive state anxiety. Somatic state anxiety and cognitive state anxiety showed significant differences in all the level of weight classification of high schools, state confidence between middle weight and heavy weight in athletes of high school and universities/adults.
4. In terms of relation between competitive state anxiety and competing ability, most influencing factors of competitive state anxiety were state confidence for athletes of middle school, and somatic tate anxiety for athletes of high schools, and cognitive state anxiety for athletes of universities/adults.
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Effects of Pre - movement Criterion Information and Post - movement Feedback on the Accuracy of a Positioning Movement 스포츠심리학 : 동작 전 기준정보와 동작 후 피드백 제공이 정치동작 수행의 정확성에 미치는 영향
김기웅KeeWoongKim , 이효경HyoKyoungLee
38(2) 271-278, 1999
Effects of Pre - movement Criterion Information and Post - movement Feedback on the Accuracy of a Positioning Movement 스포츠심리학 : 동작 전 기준정보와 동작 후 피드백 제공이 정치동작 수행의 정확성에 미치는 영향
김기웅KeeWoongKim , 이효경HyoKyoungLee
The purpose of this study was to empirically test 1) whether offering both pre-movement criterion information and post-movement feedback information is more effective than offering either of the two informations in the learning of positioning movement, and 2) which one of the two informations is better to facilitate motor learning. Forty eight subjects were randomly assigned to one of four groups differing in the extent of pre- and post-movement information. Subjects were required to perform accurate movements on the linear positioning task. The experiment was carried out under 2(criterion movement information) × 2(feedback information) × 5(blocks) factorial design with repeated measures on blocks at the acquisition stage, and 2(criterion movement information) × 2(feedback information) factorial design at the retention and transfer stages. Dependent variable was the positioning error deviated from the criterion position. Post-movement feedback information was informed to subjects by the unit of 1/10 ㎝, and the error was recorded in terms of absolute error(AE) for statistical analysis. Analyses of data suggested a conclusion that more effective motor learning is achieved when both of criterion and feedback informations are offered together.
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Understanding of Imagery and Applications of Common , Dual and Triple Coding Theories for Motor Learning : A Review
38(2) 279-292, 1999
Understanding of Imagery and Applications of Common , Dual and Triple Coding Theories for Motor Learning : A Review
The purpose of this paper is to introduce common, dual, and triple coding theories which may be essential elements for imagery research. The present paper should provide answers: Do different imagery system exist for auditory, visual, and kinesthetic imagery? If different imagery system exist, will alternative forms of imagery instructions produce different levels of skill achievement in a motor skill? Recently, several coding theories have emerged which suggest that information is received and processed in various ways until eventually it is outputted as observable motor activity. Three theoretical explanations of coding have been proposed by cognitive psychologists and they are discussed in this section. They are: (1) common coding theory, (2) dual coding theory, and (3) triple coding theory. With the use of visual imagery to facilitate movement skills, subjects are often asked to observe a model, film, videotape, or actual demonstration, and then are requested to imagine the specific actions within the appropriate situation. With the auditory imagery technique, subjects listen to auditory instructions, such as with an audiotape, and then are asked to image the event. The use of kinesthetic imagery is an approach that provides a new perspective which is absent from the other two forms of imagery. Researchers have demonstrated that each type of imagery technique can benefit motor learning and performance, although, on occasion, the results are contradictory. Therefore, it would be benefit if the three different coding theories applied for imagery research for motor learning.
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A Study on Burnout Level and Stress Causes of Youth Athletes 스포츠심리학 : 청소년 운동선수의 탈진 정도와 스트레스 요인에 관한 연구
송우엽WooYoupSong , 김승철SeungChulKim
38(2) 293-304, 1999
A Study on Burnout Level and Stress Causes of Youth Athletes 스포츠심리학 : 청소년 운동선수의 탈진 정도와 스트레스 요인에 관한 연구
송우엽WooYoupSong , 김승철SeungChulKim
The purpose of the study was to examine the level of exercise burnout of youth athletes and help coaches and physical educators give some directions for youth athletes. The number of subjects was 279 junior and senior high school students from soccer, basketball, and baseball teams. The period of exercise experience was 3 years and 2 months. The average practice period was 34 hours per week. High school athletes had higher level of exercise burnout than junior high school athletes. The athletes with higher burnout level showed less achievement motivation score. The factors that make athletes feel anxious were pressure from practice and game, unsatisfactory coaching style, negative relationship with significant others, and personal losses such as time, money, and friendship, and fear of failure and punishment. The researcher wants to make some suggestions to prevent youth athletes from exercise burnout and have higher achievement motivation.
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A Conceptual Model Test of Intrinsic Motivation Inventory in Physical Education Class 스포츠심리학 : 체육 수업에서 내적 동기 질문지에 대한 개념적 모형 검증
38(2) 305-319, 1999
A Conceptual Model Test of Intrinsic Motivation Inventory in Physical Education Class 스포츠심리학 : 체육 수업에서 내적 동기 질문지에 대한 개념적 모형 검증
The purpose of the study was to examine the hypothesized models for best fit. Having developed a measure of Korean Version of Intrinsic Motivation Inventory based on IMI produced by McAuley et al., (1991), the researcher moved on to examine the issues raised concerning the causal effects of `Perceived Competence` and `Perceived Choice` on intrinsic motivation. An oblique confirmatory factor analytic model (M1; concomitant model) was compared with structural models in which `Perceived Choice` and `Perceived Competence` had causal effects on the intrinsic motivation constructs. There were two ways in which the causal relationships between `Perceived Choice` and `Perceived Competence` and intrinsic motivation could be conceptualized. One way was that `Perceived Competence` and `Perceived Choice` constructs had causal relationship to the intrinsic motivation constructs(M2). The other way was that `Perceived Choice` mediated the effects of `Perceived Competence` on `Interest-Enjoyment`, `Pressure-Tension`, and `Effort-Importance`(M3). Data were collected from 162 university students. The data were analyzed using LISREL 8.12. The results supported the causal relationship of the constructs and suggested it is meaningful to hold `Perceived Choice`, `Perceived Competence`, and the indicators of intrinsic motivation at different conceptual levels.
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Initial Target Size Effects on the Production of Rapid Sequential Tapping
38(2) 320-327, 1999
Initial Target Size Effects on the Production of Rapid Sequential Tapping
Previous studies that have required rapid sequential tapping responses have all found that the second movement segment (MT2) was consistently performed slower than all other segments. This study investigated that the possibility that this lengthened MT2 was due to feedback control processes. Subjects (N=12) were required to strike three circular targets in sequence with a hand-held stylus in a simple reaction time paradigm. Subjects performed 50 trials in each of five conditions over two days. The conditions differed with respect to the size of the first target (1.5-10 ㎝ diameter). The effect of target size resulted in significantly slower reaction times as size decreased. Analysis of the movement time data revealed a significant interaction of first target size and movement segment. Consistent with previous research, in the four largest target conditions, MT2 was significantly slower than the other movement segments. In contrast, MT2 was not slower than the previous segment (MT1) under the smallest first target condition (1.5 ㎝). These findings suggest that lengthening MT1 allowed subjects to correct movement error on-line during that segment and therefore MT2 was not differentially slowed.
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Ecellent Experience in Peak Sport Performance 스포츠심리학 : 스포츠 최상 수행에서의 긍정적 경험
이동재DongJaeLee , 장덕선DukSunChang
38(2) 328-345, 1999
Ecellent Experience in Peak Sport Performance 스포츠심리학 : 스포츠 최상 수행에서의 긍정적 경험
이동재DongJaeLee , 장덕선DukSunChang
An in-depth investigation into peak sport performance was conducted in order to understand how best state in experienced by elite athletes. Twenty-five elite-level athletes, representing 5 sports, were interviewed on their perceptions of excellent experience during peak sport performance of training and game. The results were analyzed by three methods; first by each dimension(peak experience, peak performance, and flow), second by common qualities, third by the combination of those three. It revealed that elite athletes experienced common qualities of peak experience, peak performance, and flow by going through awareness of power, spontaneity, loss of time and space, and absorption. Rank order of each dimension is peak experience, peak performance, and flow. This result was discussed based on positive psychological theories and previous studies.
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Comparison and Analysis of the Players Characteristic of Personality in the Anlaysis of MBTI 스포츠심리학 : MBTI 성격유형 분석에 따른 운동선수의 성격 특성 비교 분석
최희남HeeNamChoi , 박영준YoungJunPark
38(2) 346-358, 1999
Comparison and Analysis of the Players Characteristic of Personality in the Anlaysis of MBTI 스포츠심리학 : MBTI 성격유형 분석에 따른 운동선수의 성격 특성 비교 분석
최희남HeeNamChoi , 박영준YoungJunPark
The purpose of this study is to establish some connection between the type and characteristic of personality and the choice of sport, to apply the results of this study to basic materials which can help players to choose their own exercise in school and to help each player to exercise each own suitable event by having come to know his or her own characteristic of personality through the result of this study.
The subjects of this study were selected randomly 497 in players that have been exercising for over 4 years in highschool, or university, or adult players on the playing list. And they classified by the type of sport - personal exercise, person-to-person exercise, group exercise.
MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) was used for the analysis of the type and characteristic of personality. The difference of data was proved by carrying out χ²(Chi-Square) and one way ANOVA after the mean and standard of deviation was produced by using SPSS 8.0 for Windows.
The results is as follows;
(1) In E-I guide post by the type of exercise, E(Extroversions) showed in both the group of personal exercise and person-to-person exercise highly, and I(Introversion) showed the group of to the group exercise highly. There is no difference between the groups.
(2) In S-N(Sensing-Ntuition) guide post, S(Sensing) showed highly in each group and there is no difference between the groups.
(3) In T-F(Thinking-Feeling) guide post, T(Thinking) showed in each group and F(Feeling) showed higher in the group of personal exercise than the others. There is no difference between the groups.
(4) In J-P(Judging-Perceiving) guide post, P(Perceiving) showed highly in every group. There is no difference between the groups.
(5) The difference in the function of personality showed significant in p<001.
(6) In the functional type of personality in MBTI, the rate of S-T(Sensing-Thinking) showed 55.4 % in the group of personal exercise, 64.2 % in the group of the group exercise, and 70.6 % in the group of person-to-person exercise highest.
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The effects of acute exhaustive exercise on antioxidant enzymes , glutathione and MDA ( malondiadehyde ) 스포츠생리학 : DHEA 투여가 1회적 탈진 운동 후 항산화 효소 , glutathione 및 MDA 변화에 미치는 영향
김성수SungSooKim , 신말순MalSoonShin , 최성근SungKeunChoi
38(2) 361-369, 1999
The effects of acute exhaustive exercise on antioxidant enzymes , glutathione and MDA ( malondiadehyde ) 스포츠생리학 : DHEA 투여가 1회적 탈진 운동 후 항산화 효소 , glutathione 및 MDA 변화에 미치는 영향
김성수SungSooKim , 신말순MalSoonShin , 최성근SungKeunChoi
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of acute exhaustive exercise on antioxidant enzymes, glutathione and MDA(malondiadehyde).
All rats were divided randomly with two groups, control group(N=10), DHEA group(N=10). DHEA group was given a supplement(0.5g/100g. body wt.) containing a mixture of distilled water(5㎖). and control group was given a supplement 5㎖ distilled water. They performed treadmill exercise at fixed load(20m/min, 0% grade) until they were exhausted. The collected blood were analyzed for the superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase(CAT), glutathione, malondialdehyde(MDA).
The result through the statistical analysis of this data were summarized as follows;
1. SOD activities were higher than those in DHEA groups after maximal exercise. There were significant differences between two groups.
2. CAT activities were higher than those in DHEA groups after maximal exercise. There were significant differences between two group.
3. glutathione concentrations were higher than those in DHEA groups after maximal exercise. But there were not significant differences between two groups.
4. malondialdehyde concentrations were higher than those in DHEA groups after maximal exercise. There were significant differences between two groups.
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The Effects of Exercise performed timing on Sleep Quality 스포츠생리학 : 운동 수행 시기 차이가 수면의 질적 변화에 미치는 영향
김정규JungKyuKim , 백일영IlYoungPaik
38(2) 370-386, 1999
The Effects of Exercise performed timing on Sleep Quality 스포츠생리학 : 운동 수행 시기 차이가 수면의 질적 변화에 미치는 영향
김정규JungKyuKim , 백일영IlYoungPaik
The purpose of this study was to examine effects of exercise performed timing on sleep quality. The subjects of present study were 5 university students. All subjects were participated in VO₂ max test to calculate their 80% VO₂ max workload. The performed exercise test were divided into different timing a day; morning exercise at 08:00, afternoon exercise at 14:00, and night exercise at 20:00. All exercise test were continued until the subjects stopped because of fatigue.
To discriminate between wakefulness and sleep and also to identify sleep stages, it was performed measurement of electroencephalogram(EEG), electromyogram(EMG), and electrooculogram(EOG) using standardized procedures(Rechtschaffen & Kales, 1968). The subjects were studied for nine nights using the HEALTHDYNE Polysomnographic Recording and Reporting System. The EEG was recorded using standardized procedures with disk electrodes placed at O₁/C₃/Fp₁/A₁, and O₂/C₄/Fp₂/A₂, the chin EMG by electrodes located bilaterally below the chin, and the EOG by electrodes placed near the outer canthi of each eye and slightly displaced vertically. Sleep stages were scored in 30 second epochs for the presence of wakefulness or sleep and the various sleep stages.
There were no significant differences in the exercise performance time(p>.05), but there were significant differences in the TST(total sleep time) among the four different experimental conditions(p< .05). Also, there were no significant differences in the nonREM and WT(wake time)(p >.05), but there were significant differences in the REM(rapid eye movement) and SO(sleep onset) time among the four different experimental conditions(p<.05).
In the SPT(sleep period time), there were no significant differences among the four different experimental conditions(p<.05), but in the WT time, one of the SPT factors, there were significant differences among the four different experimental conditions(p<.05).
In the nonREM sleep stage, there were significant differences at the sleep stage of I, III, and IV(p<.05), but there were no significant differences at the sleep stage of II among the four different experimental conditions(p<.05).
In this study, exercise which was performed in the late evening appeared to have much more influence on sleep quality and efficiency than that of afternoon and morning. And for the optimal physical conditions, it is very important to keep the circadian rhythm for the body`s homeostasis, and also, training program of circadian rhythm adaptation is needed for sleep quality and exercise performance.
Therefore, effects of exercise on sleep quality depends on type of exercise and exercise performed timing, and also further study of relationship between exercise fatigue factors and sleep regulation substances is needed in this area.
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The Effects of Administration Glycerol upon Exercise - performing Ability During long - time exercise 스포츠생리학 : 장시간운동시 글리세롤 투여가 운동수행 능력에 미치는 영향
김종훈JongHunKim , 이승범SeungBumLee , 박상규SangKyooPark
38(2) 387-396, 1999
The Effects of Administration Glycerol upon Exercise - performing Ability During long - time exercise 스포츠생리학 : 장시간운동시 글리세롤 투여가 운동수행 능력에 미치는 영향
김종훈JongHunKim , 이승범SeungBumLee , 박상규SangKyooPark
The objective of this study consists in inquiring into how the administration of glycerol affects the advancement of long time exercise-performing ability by clarifying exercise-performing ability under three different exercise conditions water-control hormone in blood, the concentration of plasma osmosis, FFA lipase, pyruvic acids, glucose, etc., as sown in a treadmill exercise of 75% of the maximum oxygen intake in a hot environment.
The present study took as its subjects five male students who major in physical education, and all the testees took part in a series of five experiments, including maximum oxygen intake and other tests under three different conditions. The three different conditions were based on non-administration, administration of water, and administration of glycerol, and a series of four blood gatherings were carried out, at rest, at postexercise 30 minutes, at termination, and at 30 minutes after recovery.
The results of the tests reveal the most increase in the exercise-performing ability when in administration of glycerol, and showed a statistically significant difference, as compared with the time of non-administration(p<.05). Plasma renin activity(PRA) represented at rest and at postexercise 30 minutes, at rest and at the time of termination, which indicate a statistically significant difference(p< .05). The concentration of plasma osmosis presented the lowest value when in administration of glycerol at postexercise 30 minutes, at the time of termination and after 30 minutes of recovery, which did not indicate a statistically significant difference(P >.05).
Blood glucose disclosed the highest value when in administration of water at postexercise 30 minutes and at the time of termination, which did not indicate a statistically significant difference(P>.05). Lipase pointed out the highest value when in administration of glycerol at postexercise 30 minutes and at the time of termination, but did not indicate a statistically significant difference(P>.05). Pyruvic acids indicated when in administration of glycerol at rest and at postexercise 30 minutes, at rest and at the time of termination, a statistically significant difference(P<.05). In conclusion, it was identified that more advancement of exercise-performing ability was achieved by water control when in administration of glycerol than in non-administration as well as in administration of water while performing strong exercise for a long time under a hot environment.
Key Words
The effect of capsule L-glutamine administration after a submaximal exercise on lymphocyte subpopulations in men 스포츠생리학 : 최대하 운동후 L-Glutamine 투여가 림프구아형에 미치는 영향
38(2) 397-407, 1999
The effect of capsule L-glutamine administration after a submaximal exercise on lymphocyte subpopulations in men 스포츠생리학 : 최대하 운동후 L-Glutamine 투여가 림프구아형에 미치는 영향
This study experimentally examinates the supplementation effect of capsule glutamine as the reservation on administration method of L-glutamine presented to enhance immune function, after the endurance exercise resulting in the depletion of muscle glycogen. Right after bicycle ergometer exercise during 70 min at 60%VO₂max alloted to each subject, this study apply random assigned method by double blind to the subjects immediately after the exercise and after one hour recovery. After 10 subjects are divided to be L-glutamine (mineral water 200㎖+500㎎ capsule glutamine×10) supplemented group 5 and placebo (500㎎ capsule wheat×10) supplemented group 5 in first experimentation, they are respectively provided with two supplementation substances through oral supplementation as follow : In 2nd experimentation, the above subjects are supplied with the same substances with the opposite methods after one week. Blood samplings are taken to be at rest, during the exercise, right after the exercise, after one hour and two hours recovery.
The results of lymphocyte subpopulations are as follows :
1. Plasma glutamine concentrations are found to have more a significant increase in the capsule glutamine group than in the placebo group, after one and two hours recovery. 2. The absolute numbers of T-, B cells and T₄ cells are found to have more a significant increase in the capsule glutamine group than in the placebo group, right after the exercise and after one hour recovery. 3. The ratio of T₄ and T_8 cells is found not to have a significant difference in the two groups. 4. The absolute numbers and percentage of NK cells are found to come back a base-line levels in the capsule glutamine group at the recovery, while are found to have a great decrease in the placebo group. In the above results, The capsule glutamine supplementation is found to have a positive influence on the lymphocyte subpopulations, right after the submaximal exercise and after the recovery.
In the future, the physiological mechanism between ammonia and glutamine after the exercise and the study on the enhance of immune function are required to have a continuous analysis.
Key Words
최대하 운동, 글루타민, T세포, B세포, 자연살해세포, submaximal ecercise, capsule L-glutamine, T cell, natural killer cells
The Effects of Fitness Test on the Body Composition , and Serum Lipid in the Primary - School Students with Data for Prevention of Adult Disease 스포츠생리학 : 소아 성인병 예방의 기초자료로써 초등학생의 체력검사 성적이 신체조성과 혈청지질에 미치는 영향
양점홍JumHongYang , 남태호TaeHoNam , 이종완JongWanLee
38(2) 408-420, 1999
The Effects of Fitness Test on the Body Composition , and Serum Lipid in the Primary - School Students with Data for Prevention of Adult Disease 스포츠생리학 : 소아 성인병 예방의 기초자료로써 초등학생의 체력검사 성적이 신체조성과 혈청지질에 미치는 영향
양점홍JumHongYang , 남태호TaeHoNam , 이종완JongWanLee
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of exercise on the body composition and serum lipid value of the primary school students.
A random sample of size 135(males 72, females 63) is taken from 302 5th-grade students of B primary school in P city, Korea.
To obtain data for prevention of juvenile adult disease, physical fitness badge test(PFBT), health-related fitness test(HRFT), and serum lipid are performed to the subjects.
The results are as follows;
1. The better in PFBT, the better in HRFT ; %fat and sit-and-reach ability of female students are not related in statistical significance.
2. For both the male group and the female group, PFBT results and serum lipid value are not related in statistical significance.
3. For the male students in nonobese group by BMI, performing ability of all event in PFBT, and sit-and-reach test and hand-grip strength in HRFT are good in statistical significance.
4. For the male students of high TC, only the result of sit-ups test is significantly low in statistical sense.
5. For the male students in high HDL-C group, ability of pull-ups is significantly good ; On the other hand, for the male students in low HDL-C group, ability of hand-grip strength is good in statistical significance.
6. For AI, normal male group perform significantly well in sit-and-reach test in statistical sense.
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Comparation on Peculiarity of Circulation Capability and Muscular Funtion according to Dancing Type 스포츠생리학 : 무용 유형별 순환 능력 및 등속성 근기능의 특성 비교
오대성DaeSeongOh , 안옥희
38(2) 421-430, 1999
Comparation on Peculiarity of Circulation Capability and Muscular Funtion according to Dancing Type 스포츠생리학 : 무용 유형별 순환 능력 및 등속성 근기능의 특성 비교
오대성DaeSeongOh , 안옥희
The purpose of this was to comparation on peculiarity of circulation capability and muscular function according to dancing type. Subjects were korea dancing group(n=7), ballet group(n=7) and modern dancing group(n=7) of college women. They were compared to peculiarity of circulation capability and the strength of 60 °/sec work speed and power, muscular endurance of 120 °/sec work speed after 25 time(extension/flexion exercise). The finding of this study were as follows:
1. Heart rate, systolic blood pressures was not significantly among each group and VO2max were significantly(p<.01) highest in the modern dancing group.
2. M·D group on peak torque strength at the lower work speed, 60 °/sec, was extensor 82.0Nm, flexsor 46.6Nm, which was significantly(p<.05) higher than peak torque of B·T, K·D group. However, each group in ratio of extensor to flexor at the same work speed showed imbalance below to 60%.
3. M·D group on peak torque strength at the medium work speed, 120 °/sec, was extensor 63.2Nm, flexor 34.8Nm, which was significantly(p<.05) higher than peak torque of B·T, K·D group. However, each group in ratio of extensor to flexor at the same work speed showed imbalance below to 60%.
4. Total work, mean power of B·T group on the muscular endurance of legs at the medium work speed, 120。/sec, was extensor exercising 365.38joules, 87.20 Watts, flexsor exercising 1000.11Joules, 48.41Watts which was significantly(p<.05) highest than K·D, M·D group. Muscle fatigue of B·T group was extensor exercising 72.39%, flexor exercising 63.46%, which was significantly(p<.05) highest than K·D, M·D group.
Within the results of this study, modern dancing showed to decrease in muscle endurance and ballet·korean dancing group showed to decrease in aerobic capacity and muscle strength, and dancing program will consist of balanced exercise as to muscle endurance, strength and aerobic capacity.
Key Words
The Changes of MDA , IL-1 , and IL-2 during Exhaustive Endurance Exercise 스포츠생리학 : 지구성 운동선수들의 탈진적인 운동시 MDA 와 IL-1 , IL-2 의 변화
38(2) 431-439, 1999
The Changes of MDA , IL-1 , and IL-2 during Exhaustive Endurance Exercise 스포츠생리학 : 지구성 운동선수들의 탈진적인 운동시 MDA 와 IL-1 , IL-2 의 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exhaustive endurance exercise on the change of cell membrane(malondialdehyde, MDA) and cytokines(interleukin-1, IL-1; interleukin-2, IL-2). The subjects of present study were middle·long-distance runners of track and field(n=10). The subjects participated in the Modified Bruce Protocol that was consisted of 6 mins in each phase. Blood was sampled at rest, all-out, recovery 30mins, recovery 60mins.
The results were as follows;
1. Significant elevation of MDA was come out immediately after exhaustive endurance exercise(p<0.001), but the elevation was restored to the rest state at recovery 30mins.
2. Cytokines(IL-1, IL-2) were most activated at recovery 30mins and restored to the rest state at recovery 60mins.
In summary, although middle·long-distance runners of track and field have participated in the regular and intensive endurance training for long, the exhaustive endurance exercise was injurious to their cell membrane. But the cell membrane injury induced cytokines activity at recovery 30mins and the cytokines activity was restored to rest state at recovery 60mins. It could be suggested that the subjects have an excellent recovery capacity from oxidative stress and harmful effect of free radical during and after the intensive endurance exercise. This adaptation phenomenon will be one of the reasons that middle·long-distance runners of track and field can do intensive endurance training for a long period.
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Effects of Resistance Exercises and Aerobic Dance on Bone Mineral Density of Girl Students at the Age of Prepuberty 스포츠생리학 : 저항운동과 에어로빅 댄스가 사춘기 전후 여학생의 골밀도에 미치는 영향
이종완JongWanLee , 양점홍JumHongYang
38(2) 440-448, 1999
Effects of Resistance Exercises and Aerobic Dance on Bone Mineral Density of Girl Students at the Age of Prepuberty 스포츠생리학 : 저항운동과 에어로빅 댄스가 사춘기 전후 여학생의 골밀도에 미치는 영향
이종완JongWanLee , 양점홍JumHongYang
This thesis is to study the effects of physical activities on bone density of girl students at the fourth grade in elementary school.
The investigation was held for 20 weeks with exercises of the above students, divided into three groups, (A) Aerobic dance and resistance-exercise group, (B) aerobic dance group, (C) control group. One-hour exercises of intensity 60∼85% HRmax and RPE 11∼15 are given to the students 3 times per week. We conclude the following results.
1. BMD of groups A and B are significantly increased after the exercises(p<.01), but C has no significant difference.
2. BMC of groups A and B are significantly increased after the exercises(p<.05, p<.01), but C has no significant difference.
As we have seen the above, BMD is increasing during her growth period. So we think that, as a way of raising them, effective treatments for exercises and nutrition are needed.
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The Effect of Blood Glucose , Triglyceride and Cholesterol of Capsaicin and Perilla oil Fed 스포츠생리학 : 캡사이신과 들기름 섭취가 혈청 Glucose , Triglyceride 와 Cholesterol 에 미치는 영향
장석암SeokAmChang , 최용어YongEoChoi
38(2) 449-459, 1999
The Effect of Blood Glucose , Triglyceride and Cholesterol of Capsaicin and Perilla oil Fed 스포츠생리학 : 캡사이신과 들기름 섭취가 혈청 Glucose , Triglyceride 와 Cholesterol 에 미치는 영향
장석암SeokAmChang , 최용어YongEoChoi
This study examined the change of body weight, blood Glucose, cholesterol, HDL and LDL concentration after 4 weeks of experiments on fifty rats. capsaicin and perilla oil fed rat non-exercise and swimming training. Sprague Dawly male rats(170.4±2.07g) were divided into five groups, a commercial nonpurified(protein 22.1%, fat 3.5% carbohydrate and minerals 74.45%) feed(Control), 100㎕ perilla oil with the feed and non-exercise(PFNE), 100㎕ perilla oil with the feed and swimming(PFS), 100㎕ perilla oil and 100㎕ capsaicin with the feed and non-exercises(PCFNE), and 100㎕ perilla oil and 100㎕ capsaicin with the feed and swimming(PCFS). The swimming groups were given with a 5 minutes warming up and a 5 minutes rest, and then 1 hour swimming 3 days per week. M±SD and One Way ANOVA were used to record the results. The significant differences between the means were determined by Turkey post-hoc test. The level of significance was set at P<.05.
In the analysis of glucose concentration, PFNE`s level was significantly(P<.05) increased and PCFNE`s level was significantly(P<.01) increased than Control. PCFS`s level was significantly (P<.01) increased than PCFNE`s. PCFS`s level was significantly(P<.01) increased than PFS`s.
In the analysis of triglyceride concentration, PFNE`s level was significantly(P<.05) increased and PCFNE`s was significantly(P<.01) increased than Control. PFS`s level was not significantly(P<.05) decreased than PFNE`s and PCFS`s level was significantly(P<.05) decreased than PCFNE`s. PCFNE`s level was significantly(P<.01) increased than PFNE`s.
In the analysis of cholesterol concentration, PCFNE`s level was significantly increased(P<.01) than Control. PCFS`s levels were significantly(P<.05) increased than PCFNE`s. PCFNE`s level was significantly(P<.01) increased than PFNE`s.
In the analysis of HDL-Cholesterol concentration, PCFNE`s level was significantly(P<.01) increased than Control. PFS`s level was significantly(P<.05) increased than PFNE`s. PCFNE`s level was significantly(P<.01) increased than PFNE`s.
The change of LDL-Cholesterol concentration was insignificant.
The data indicated that perilla oil and capsaicin effected carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
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Effect of Gastric Emptying on Running Intensity 스포츠생리학 : 달리기 운동강도 변화가 위배출시간에 미치는 영향
38(2) 460-467, 1999
Effect of Gastric Emptying on Running Intensity 스포츠생리학 : 달리기 운동강도 변화가 위배출시간에 미치는 영향
Exercise has been reported to accelerate, delay, or not influence gastric emptying rates.
Almost studies have been difficult to interpret because of the exercise intensity, exercise duration, and exercise type. The purpose of this study is to investigate effect of gastric emptying rate, postprandially. This studied healthy volunteers(male;15, age;25-32) on each of three randomly chosen study days using a dual head gamma camera after ingestion of radiolabeled meals. Each exercise was performed for 30minute on a treadmill at 40% and 70% maximal heart rate(MHR).
The results of this study were as following ;
The mean percent retention value in 40%MHR, When compare to the control group were not significantly delayed emptying rate at all 15minute intervals following the zero time images. At 70%MHR mean percent retention value and half gastric emptying time were significantly delayed compare than control group(P<0.05).
These results indicated that moderate running exercise such as 70%MHR were delayed gastric emptying and will be avoided those who are suffering from functional dyspepsia symptoms including epigastric discomfort, bloating, and fullness.
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A Study on Somersault of Gymnastic Floor Exercise 운동역학 : 체조 마루운동의 공중돌기에 관한 연구
38(2) 471-482, 1999
A Study on Somersault of Gymnastic Floor Exercise 운동역학 : 체조 마루운동의 공중돌기에 관한 연구
The focus of this study is to analyze and identify dynamical causes of variations in the motion phases of backward 2 tucked position and backward 2 layout position among the various positions of somersault, from this analysis and through simulation method, with the purpose of establishing the ideal motions of backward 2 somersault and backward 3 somersault. From this study the following have been found:
In the jumping phase, x component(Hx) of the entire movements in backward 2 layout position was 1.5 times higher than that of backward 2 tucked position. The average value of x component in the airborne phase was the least in the case of Testee 1.
For the revolution tolerance in the period of 0.933∼1.0sec after the simulation began, somersault generally showed big tolerance over all the performances and the revolution tolerance remained below 200 except for T1.TS(370). With the data of performance T3.LS as basis for ideal movement and the vertical speed raised 1.27 times higher in backward 2 layout position, the maximum height of mass center reached 2.157m. This value is departed 15㎝ from the original trial data. The height of mass center immediately before the last landing was 85.2㎝, which is departed 34.1㎝ from the original data. In the landing phase, the landing motion can be said as perfect when the height of mass center is at least as high as that in the data after modification. To raise the height of mass center the component of vertical speed shall be varied.
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The Evaluation of Running Shoe Function as Wearing Periods 운동역학 : 운동화의 착용기간에 따른 신발의 기능성 평가
38(2) 483-497, 1999
The Evaluation of Running Shoe Function as Wearing Periods 운동역학 : 운동화의 착용기간에 따른 신발의 기능성 평가
The purpose of this study was to identify functional limits of running shoes sold in the current market through the intermediate analysis of shock attenuation and rearfoot control while passed several months after wearing new running shoes.
The subjects on this study were 10 healthy adults who had the running pattern of rearfoot strike with normal foot. The shoes selected in this study were 5 different shoe brand which materials of shoe sole was plyron. The lower leg motion at speed of 4 m/sec were analyzed using a force platform and a D5100 video camera.
The findings of the study were as follows;
1. Maximal vertical ground reaction force was 2.7∼2.8 times body weight, and it was not influenced by wearing period of running shoes. But peak impact force was 1.5∼2.0 times body weight, and it showed a trend of increase as the wearing period was longer.
2. Force loading rate of maximal vertical ground reaction force did not show any significant difference as the wearing period was increased, but force loading rate of peak impact force showed a trend of a increase as wearing period was increased.
3. Initial pronation of achilles tendon angle and rearfoot angle was the range of 1.01∼3.52 degree, 0.77∼3.80 degree, respectively, and it was decreased as the wearing period was longer.
4. The range of maximum achilles tendon angle and minimum rearfoot angle was 188.6∼194.4 degree, 89.2∼91.8 degree, respectively, and it showed a trend of decreases in the initial part and increases in latter part as the wearing period was longer.
5. The range of total pronation of achilles tendon angle and rearfoot angle was 8.2∼14.6 degree, 8.5∼11.2 degree, respectively, and it showed a trend of decreases in the initial part and increases in 6 months later as the wearing period was longer.
The study found out that shoe functions were changed as the wearing period was longer. A trend of decrease in impact absorption variables was observed as the wearing period increased, and rearfoot control variables showed a trend of decrease in the first 6 month with the decrease of pronation, after that the shoe function was decreased with the increase of pronation. Therefore, it was concluded that the shoe should be changed in order to prevent running injuries when the shoe functions was decreased. The study suggests that the longitudinal study and more subjects are required to determine the appropriate time of changing a shoe through the evaluation shoe functions, also more versatile subject tests is required and high determinant variables such as pressure distribution should be measured.
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The Effect of Lumber Strengthening Training on the Extension Strength of Hernia - operated Patients 운동역학 : 요부 근력운동이 추간반 수핵탈출증 수술환자의 요신전근 기능에 미치는 영향
방상식SangSikBang , 김건도GunGoKim , 한길수GilSooHan
38(2) 498-510, 1999
The Effect of Lumber Strengthening Training on the Extension Strength of Hernia - operated Patients 운동역학 : 요부 근력운동이 추간반 수핵탈출증 수술환자의 요신전근 기능에 미치는 영향
방상식SangSikBang , 김건도GunGoKim , 한길수GilSooHan
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of lumbar strengthening training on the eccentric strength of hernia-operated patients. Fifteen subjects (7 males and 8 females) underwent training twice per week. The training consisted of 15-20 repetitions of a full range of motion variable resistance lumbar extension exercise to volitional fatigue and periodic maximal isometric contractions taken at seven angles (degrees) through a full range of motion. After the four-week and eight-week training period, subjects completed a maximum isometric strength test at seven angles (degrees) through a 72° range of motion (0°, 12°, 24°, 36°, 48°, 60° and 72°)of lumbar flexion using Medx lumbar extension machine.
Results show improvement in lumbar extension strength at low degrees after 8 weeks : 0°, 12°, and 24° for males and 0°, 12°, 24° and 36° for females. Increase in females` lumbar extension strength at 0° was already observable after four weeks. Data on body weight ratio indicate vital increase in strength at major degrees except at 72° for males and at 60° and 72° for females. Even after only 4 weeks of training, improved strength was already noted for males at 0° and 12° and at 0°, 12° and 24° for females.
Finding suggest that lumbar strengthening training provides an alternative for developing the extension strength of hernia-operated patients. However, additional training is necessary to increase the lumbar extension strength at high degrees of lumbar flexion.
Key Words
Isometric strength, Lumbar extension, Body weight ratio, Hernia-operated patients
Analysis of golf swing by driver shot distance 운동역학 : 드라이버 샷 비거리에 따른 골프 스윙 분석
6 subjects participated in this experiment to find out the differences between long-shot golfers while doing golf driver shot. The results are as follows after analyzing weight shift, movements of each body parts, and movements of the clubs.
1. The rate of body support to right/lift leg showed great differences by subjects and events(table 2). In case of long-shot golfers, more strength than their body weight was placed on left foot, when impacting, while short-shot golfers placed 60% of their body weight on left foot.
2. The degree of right elbow showed great difference by subjects, and did not show any significant difference between long-shot golfers and short-shot golfers.
3. As to the degree of knee joint, short-shot golfers had tendency to make the right knee straight at the top. Long-shot golfers had right timing of straightening and bending knee, while short-shot golfers did not.
4. As to the degree of right wrist joint, long-shot golfers showed greater differences than short-shot golfers, and kept cocking degree until uncocking.
5. The speed of club head showed 28.0 ∼ 41.0m/s of individual difference hen impacting, and the impact was not made for both long-shot golfers and short-shot golfers when the speed of club head was in its best.
6. It appeared no difference between long-shot golfers and short-shot golfers for the forward/backward movement distance of the club head, and long-shot golfers had wide left/right movement distance while short-shot golfers had wide up/down movement distance.
7. Long-shot golfers had shorter forward/backward, left/right movement distance of the center of body than short-shot golfers, and there was no difference between long-shot golfers and short-shot golfers at the up/down movement distance.
This short statement is to give some of the information briefly for better study next time. firstly as amateur golfers are unstable the position for proper golf, they show great variation even in one person`s case, therefore, in the next studies, it is thought to be able to bring out authentic result by analyzing many times of shot for one person.
Secondly, in this study, long-shot golfers and short-shot golfers were determined by average distance regardless of handy and carrier. However, it is suggested that handy and carrier also should be considered in next studies as these two factors show significant differences. Thirdly, it will be more effective to compare one or two factors specifically not just comparing various factors at a time might cause trouble because of the confliction results.
Therefore, it is suggested to correct one by one.
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Kinematics Analysis of the Yurchenko and Tsukahara Movement during Women Gymnastics Vaulting 운동역학 : 여자 체조 도마운동에서 Yurchenko 와 Tsukahara 동작의 운동학적 분석
양동영DongYoungYang , 이채산ChaeSanLee
38(2) 524-541, 1999
Kinematics Analysis of the Yurchenko and Tsukahara Movement during Women Gymnastics Vaulting 운동역학 : 여자 체조 도마운동에서 Yurchenko 와 Tsukahara 동작의 운동학적 분석
양동영DongYoungYang , 이채산ChaeSanLee
The purpose of the study was to investigate the difference in kinematics variables between the performance of Yurchenko and that of Tsukahara.
For this purpose 5 female gymnastics players Yurchenko group and 5 female gymnastics players Tsukahara group were selected, and a total of these 10 female players` performance were photographed three times. Among these photographed performances seven successfully performed actions were selected from each group respectively.
Performance of the subjects investigated were photographed by two 60 field/s video cameras. for this investigation three dimensional image analysis DLT technique was used.
For this analysis descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviations were selected on kinematics variables including change in position and velocity, angle and angular velocity of body joint, and blocking angle.
The results were as follow:
1. In board contact and pre-flight phase time duration was longer in Yurchenko group than Tsukahara group, but in horse contact phase time duration was shorter between Yurchenko group than Tsukahara group.
2. In board contact phase the change in vertical velocity of C.G was larger in Yurchenko group than Tsukahara group, but in horse contact phase the change in horizontal velocity of C.G was larger in Tsukahara group than Yurchenko group.
3. In horse touch down event blocking angle was larger in Yurchenko group than Tsukahara group, and also in horse touch down and take-off event shoulder angle was larger Yurchenko group than Tsukahara group.
To sum up, in order to shorten the time duration in board contact phase, Yurchenko group should make a direct knee joint extension instead of extension in the wake of flection at board touch down event; in performing board touch down Yurchenko group should swiftly erect trunk by increasing pushing force of shoulders. Once board take-off begins, Yurchenko group should make a appropriate blocking angle by increasing horizontal velocity of C.G, so that they can obtain higher C.G in post-flight phase. And in order to shorter time duration in horse contact Tsukahara group should have their two hands touching horse at the same time by making a swift ½ twist in pre-flight phase so that they can increase vertical velocity.
For the successful performance of vaulting, two group should make a appropriate timing at event, and for optimal vertical velocity of C.G at board and horse touch down, Yurchenko group should improve strength of knee joint, and Tsukahara group should improve strength of shoulder joint.
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The Effect of Resistance Training on Lumbar Extension Strength in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients based on Isometric Evaluation 운동역학 : 신장성 단축성 근력 훈련이 만성요통환자의 등척성 근기능에 미치는 영향
김건도GunGoKim , 한길수GilSooHan , 이동옥DongOgLee
38(2) 542-552, 1999
The Effect of Resistance Training on Lumbar Extension Strength in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients based on Isometric Evaluation 운동역학 : 신장성 단축성 근력 훈련이 만성요통환자의 등척성 근기능에 미치는 영향
김건도GunGoKim , 한길수GilSooHan , 이동옥DongOgLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of resistance training on lumbar extension strength in chronic low back pain patients based on isometric evaluation, seventeen subjects(7 males and 10 females) were tested 3 times throughout the 8-week isotonic training: pre-exercise, after 4 week and after 8th week. Each test involved the measurement of maximum voluntary isometric torque at 72°, 60°, 48°, 36°, 24°, 12°, and 0° of lumbar flexion using the Medx lumbar extension machine.
Training after 8 weeks resulted to significant improvement in lumbar extension strength at 0° for males and at all degrees except 0° for females.
Results further show that with regard to body weight ratio significant increase in lumbar extension strength among males was observed at 0°, 12°, and 24° and at all degrees expect 0° for females after 8-week training. significant increase at 0° among males was already found after the 4-week training. Such findings indicate that isometric lumbar extension strength increase occurs mainly within 8 weeks for females and at low degree(0°, 12° and 24° for males. they further suggest that additional training is recommended at high degree(36°∼72°) for males and low degree(0°) for females for attaining balance in the degrees of Isometric strength of lumbar extension.
Key Words
Isometric strength, Low back pain, Body weight ratio, Lumbar extension
The Effect of Shoe Heel's Height on the Lower Limb angle and Ground Reaction during Waltz Step 운동역학 : 왈츠 스텝시 신발 굽 높이가 하지각과 지면반력에 미치는 영향
이종훈JongHunLee , 정철정ChulJungJung , 신혜숙HeaSookSin
38(2) 553-563, 1999
The Effect of Shoe Heel's Height on the Lower Limb angle and Ground Reaction during Waltz Step 운동역학 : 왈츠 스텝시 신발 굽 높이가 하지각과 지면반력에 미치는 영향
이종훈JongHunLee , 정철정ChulJungJung , 신혜숙HeaSookSin
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of shoe heel`s heights on the changes of the lower limb angle, ground reaction force, during waltz steps in rhythmic movement. Six Women performed waltz steps to three beat music. The lower limb angle, ground reaction force of the first right step were analyzed by video camera, platform, respectively. The following results have been obtained.
1. Movement Patterns.
The results of video camera analysis in order to examine the effects of shoe heel`s heights on the change of the movement patterns suggested that the abduction·adduction and rear foot, ankle angles were changed with significantly increase of the heel`s height, or metatarsal and knee angles were changed with decrease of the heel`s height, but no significant.
2. Ground reaction force
The results of ground reaction force analysis in order to examine the effects of shoe heel`s heights on the change of the impact indicated that braking decreased and propel force increased, and supposed time was prolonged compared to the normal gait.
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Analysis of Angular Variation and Moment Variation of Lower Lim in Instep Shooting 운동역학 : 인스텝 슈팅시 하지관절의 각도 변화와 모멘트 변화의 분석
진영완YoungWanJin , 김상복SangBokKim
38(2) 564-575, 1999
Analysis of Angular Variation and Moment Variation of Lower Lim in Instep Shooting 운동역학 : 인스텝 슈팅시 하지관절의 각도 변화와 모멘트 변화의 분석
진영완YoungWanJin , 김상복SangBokKim
The purpose of this study were to compare and to analyze angular factors and moment factors of the instep shooting motions, and also to understand the physical characteristics of shooting motions. The conclusion of this study were
1. The movement show that as the angular speed of the upper leg decreases, the angular speed of the shank increases at a great tremendous speed. It presents, that the movement follows the proximal to distal sequence of segment motion in order to greater the rotation speed of the upper leg and the straight speed of the tip of the foot.
2. The changes of the net moment of the upper leg appeared similar to the angular speed of the upper leg. The muscle moment of the knee joint before impact showed a slightly less figure than the net moment but takes up 70∼80% of the net moment. The muscle moment interacting between the upper leg joint and knee joint displays that right before impact, the muscular moment of the Knee joint decreases and the muscle moment of the upper leg increases. Angular velocity motion dependent moments mostly acted counter to net moment and the moment from acceleration of gravity came out very small that it wasn`t influential to the whole moment.
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Biomechanical Analysis of Pirouette en Dehors 운동역학 : 삐루엣 앙 디올의 기능학적 분석
최기형KiHyoungChoi , 김용이YongEeKim , 김승재SungJaeKim
38(2) 576-584, 1999
Biomechanical Analysis of Pirouette en Dehors 운동역학 : 삐루엣 앙 디올의 기능학적 분석
최기형KiHyoungChoi , 김용이YongEeKim , 김승재SungJaeKim
The purpose of this study was to understand the biomechanical characteristics of Pirouette en Dehors a typical ballet act. For this study 6 female ballerinas participated in the experiment and did the Pirouette en Dehors in turns of single, double, triple turns.
The filming was done by two high speed camera`s placed both side of the subject with a filming speed of 100 frames/sec. The mechanical variables calculated in this study were statistically tested by using paired t-test and one-way ANOVA.
The results;
1. As doing more turns the time interval of the second phase decreased.
2. As doing more turns the angular momentum of the arms increased but in double and triple turn there were no significant difference.
In conclusion the angular momentum of the arms in the second phase of the motion and rotating time are the most effective variable in preforming the Pirouette en Dehors.
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An Analysis of Teaching Behaviors in Elementary Physical Education Classes 스포츠교육학 : 초등학교 교사의 체육 교수행동 분석
38(2) 587-597, 1999
An Analysis of Teaching Behaviors in Elementary Physical Education Classes 스포츠교육학 : 초등학교 교사의 체육 교수행동 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate teaching behaviors in elementary physical education classes. The subjects of this study was selected to 8(mean career 9 years old) male physical education teachers of fifth grade in the elementary school at Shihung City, Kyonggi-Do. Aspects of teaching behaviors was recomposed with suitability the acture circumstances based variables of teaching behaviors which was observation record method of Stewart(1983) teaching behaviors in physical education. Dependent variable which aspect of student behaviors was corrected to acture circumstances composed of acture learning time developed by Siedentop(1983) in physical education.
The implications of the study are as follows:
1. It is appeared that the reason physical education activity participant time were not sufficient in the class atmosphere was given much weights teaching management, a waiting, and video learning activity.
2. Teaching behaviors was indicated to be insufficient professional knowledge on task presentation and problem of teaching capacity.
3. Under physical education lesson, sharing time of interaction between teacher and student are not sufficient.
4. Acture learning time in physical education lesson was appeared to be share more teaching management and knowledge reception than performance of physical activity in the elementary physical education classes.
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Market Segmentation Related to the Perceived Service Quality of the Ski Resort 스포츠행정 경영 : 스키리조트 서비스품질 지각에 따른 시장세분화
38(2) 601-611, 1999
Market Segmentation Related to the Perceived Service Quality of the Ski Resort 스포츠행정 경영 : 스키리조트 서비스품질 지각에 따른 시장세분화
This study was intended to provide the suggestions helpful to establish an effective marketing strategy by making a reliable analysis of market segmentation related to ski resort users` perceived service quality.
For the purpose of questionnaire research, 22 items were used through such studies as `A Study on the Service Quality of the Sports Center`, `A Study on the Service Quality of the Resort Complex`, `A Study on the Marketing Mix Related to the Service Quality of the Golf Course` and the like. The Cronbach`s α-test was conducted on 22 items pertaining to the service quality of the skiing ground. As a result, it was shown that Cronbach`s α had the high value of .840∼.766.
The users of the "Y" Ski Resort located in the Kyonggi province were selected as the sample for this study. Questionnaires were distributed to them to complete them. 288 questionnaires were returned and used as data for empirical study. Frequency analysis, Cronbach`s α, cluster analysis, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and paired t-test were conducted using Windows for SPSS V. 6.0.
As a result, the ski resort market was segmented into "ease-to-use pursuing group", "guaranteed-service pursuing group" and "service- differentiation pursuing group" (p < .05). And it was shown that the level of satisfaction was overall lower than that of expectation in the difference of perception between expected service quality and perceived service quality. It was found that there was a significant difference in such demographic traits as gender, marital status, income, and career according to market segments.
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The Internet Marketing Strategy for Ski Resort 스포츠행정 경영 : 스키리조트의 인터넷마케팅 전략에 관한 연구
38(2) 612-625, 1999
The Internet Marketing Strategy for Ski Resort 스포츠행정 경영 : 스키리조트의 인터넷마케팅 전략에 관한 연구
Computer network has been popular for large commercial site since early 1990`s. As the advent of World Wide Web(WWW), commercial business is the fastest growing segment of the internet because of globalization, a lot of information, low-cost etc. Nowadays most companies well realize that the internet is an important marketing communication strategy.
The purpose of this study is to investigate what is available for skier on the internet as well as what is meant by the phrase "internet marketing". Investigation was performed based on the internet marketing strategy with 4P consisted of internet product, internet price, internet promotion, internet place. Nine ski resort on the internet web site were investigated. The results were as follows.
First, the internet product strategies for ski resort homepages was concentrated on recent product(ski, lift, condominium, hotel). Few staff information for ski resort package product was available.
Second, the internet price strategies for ski resort homepage did not include the price of leisure facilities, attendant facilities(supermarket, restaurant etc.).
Third, the internet promotion strategies for ski resort homepage was not sufficient generally. All ski resort homepage do not have foreign language information. Few information for banner advertisement, discount, reservation on the internet, visitor`s list, link to main group was available.
Fourth, the internet place strategies for ski resort homepage has a lot of transportation, sketch for road. Few information for parking area in the ski resort, a surroundings tourist attraction.
In conclusion, the present condition of ski resort internet marketing is in start-up stage. But more attention should be given to the ski resort homepage to maximize its efficiency.
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The Comparative Study of Sports Administration Organization and Finance in Advanced Countries 스포츠행정 경영 : 선진국의 체육행정조직과 재정의 비교 연구
38(2) 626-637, 1999
The Comparative Study of Sports Administration Organization and Finance in Advanced Countries 스포츠행정 경영 : 선진국의 체육행정조직과 재정의 비교 연구
The purpose of this study was to compare sport administration organization and finance among advanced countries. And then, this study was to compare sport administration organization and finance among advanced countries and Korea. Based on the result of this study, the conclusion of comparing sport administration organization and finance among advanced countries are as follows.
First, there was sport administration organization in all advanced countries except United States. But administration organization name differ from among advanced countries separately. Second, sport administration organization of all advanced countries took charge of mass sports and elite sports. In addition, according to focus of policy, advanced countries took charge of international sports, sports of the deprived, sports for people with disabilities, physical education. Third, both central government and local government of advanced countries took financial support for promotion of sports division. Fourth, all advanced countries take sport administration responsibility in the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Health and so on.
Based on the result of this study, the conclusion of comparing sport administration organization and finance of advanced countries to sport administration organization and finance in Korea are as follows.
First, There cannot determine uniformly the Ministry that entirely taken sport administration responsibility of Korea. And Sports world need to autonomously exert, lest sport administration organization reduce. Second, the bureau of Sports of Korea take charge of mass sports and elite sports, too. But, promotion of sports activity for people with disabilities, execution of sports program for the deprived, enlargement of sport ethics and prohibition of drug excess use, financial support for development of sports club, execution of sports program for aborigine and immigrant that performed advanced countries need to introduced in Korea. Third, sports finance of Korea need to increase in view of the sum. And sports finance of Korea need to invest sport for all more than elite sports. Fourth, like advanced countries, Korea also take sport administration responsibility in the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Health. But many administration organization like advanced countries have respect to sports and accomplish to sports-related projects in the future.
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Rater's Objectivity in the Assessment of Gymnastic Performance 체육측정평가 : 체조 연기력 판정의 객관성 : 다국면 Rasch 모형의 적용
강상조SangJoKang , 안애정AeJungAnn
38(2) 641-650, 1999
Rater's Objectivity in the Assessment of Gymnastic Performance 체육측정평가 : 체조 연기력 판정의 객관성 : 다국면 Rasch 모형의 적용
강상조SangJoKang , 안애정AeJungAnn
Many forms of assessment in sport setting rely heavily on multiple raters or judges. Gymnastics uses the trim mean system for determining winners. However, the system can be influenced by the rater`s severity and inconsistency unlike the gymnastic ability measures. The purpose of this study was to investigate the errors of judgement by examining the level of judge`s severity and inconsistency using the many-faceted Rasch measurement model on the data from the gymnastic events at the 1998 National Youth Sport Competition. The data consisted of four judges` ratings of 52 women`s gymnasts on each of four events(Vault, Parallel bars, Balance beam, and Floor exercise). The many-faceted Rasch measurement model was used to calibrate the judges` scores, and 3 facets - judge, event, and athlete`s performance were defined. Judges` severity and inconsistency were examined. Results suggest that there were significant differences(p <.05) among the levels of judges` severities and among the difficulty levels of events, but they consistently judged the performances of the gymnasts. It was found that the most difficult events were parallel bar, floor exercise, balance beam, and vault in order. The many-faceted Rasch measurement model demonstrates a psychometrically appropriate technique for informing the fairness of the judges` rating scores and for selecting the judges necessary for retraining.
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Enhanced Objectivity in Expert Judgement Sport Skill Test Applied Many - Faceted Rasch Model 체육측정평가 : Many - faceted Rasch Model 을 적용한 주관적 운동기능 평가의 객관성 제고 방안
38(2) 651-659, 1999
Enhanced Objectivity in Expert Judgement Sport Skill Test Applied Many - Faceted Rasch Model 체육측정평가 : Many - faceted Rasch Model 을 적용한 주관적 운동기능 평가의 객관성 제고 방안
The purpose of this study was to describe a many faceted Rasch(FACETS) model for the measurement of sport skill. The FACETS model is a multivariate extension of Rasch measurement models that can be used to provide a framework for calibrating both raters and skill tasks within the context of sport skill assessment. The use of the FACETS model for solving measurement problems encountered in the large-scale assessment of sport skill ability was presented here. Subject of 30 students from high school level assessment of sport skills(gymnastics, basketball) ability was used to illustrate the FACETS model. The data suggested that there were significant differences in rater severity, even expert judging. Small, but statistically significant, differences in sport skill task difficulty were also found. The FACETS model offers a promising approach for addressing measurement problem encountered in the large-scale assessment of subjective sport skill test. The primary advantages of the many-faceted Rasch calibration are (1) that estimations of parameters are independent of both the examinees and testing items employed, (2) that all facets involved in the calibration can be taken into account, (3) that the calibrated facets share the same metric, and (4) that the measurement scales are additive. These advantages, together with goodness-of-fit statistics generated from the calibration, provided a convenient way to examine the appropriateness of the testing items and related facets and to determine examinees` strengths and weakness of their measured ability.
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A Prospect and Tasks of Turning point in Economic and Sport for All 사회체육 : 한국의 경제침체와 생활체육의 전망 및 과제
임태성TaeSungLim , 채재성JaeDungChae
38(2) 663-672, 1999
A Prospect and Tasks of Turning point in Economic and Sport for All 사회체육 : 한국의 경제침체와 생활체육의 전망 및 과제
임태성TaeSungLim , 채재성JaeDungChae
The purpose of this study was to suggest the concrete direction of various and effective sport for all promotion based on analysis of the present economic situation.
From the analysis of this situation, the following conclusions were obtained:
Firstly, the present economic situation negatively effect on sport for all promotion.
Secondly, social-psychological change in the present economic situation negatively effect on sport for all promotion.
Thirdly, change of sport policy in the present economic situation negatively effect on sport for all promotion.
From the this results, the following tasks of sport for all promotion were obtained:
First, the budget supported for the construction of sport facilities is early use to increase employment.
Second, lead of appropriate consume life through sport for all participation.
Third, reform of management in public sport organization and private sport facilities.
Fourth, the budget supported for sport for all program firstly has to use for persons out of work.
Fifth, strengthening of public information for the sport participation through the mass media.
Sixth, sport programs be developed more in utility than in waste.
Seventh, the local government, school and private organization, which are involved in the operation of the community sport system, have to establish a cooperative relation with each other.
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The Achievements and Confines the Korean Creative Dance has got in the Acceptance of Western dance - Centering Around the Period after the mid-80's - 무용 : 한국창작축에 있어 서구춤 수용의 성과와 한계 - 1980년대 중반이후를 중심으로 -
38(2) 675-690, 1999
The Achievements and Confines the Korean Creative Dance has got in the Acceptance of Western dance - Centering Around the Period after the mid-80's - 무용 : 한국창작축에 있어 서구춤 수용의 성과와 한계 - 1980년대 중반이후를 중심으로 -
The purpose of the present study is, through a close insight into the theoretic backgrounds of German Tanztheater and American Postmodern-dance and into the acceptance of them as the Korean Creative Dance, to know how many achievements and confines the introduction of these two forms of dance has in relation to the work of modernizing the Korean Creative Dance.
In the field of the Korean Creative Dance after the mid-1980`s there is coming to the fore a great turning point.
The Korean Creative Dance of this period can be characterized by `Koreanization of the Modern Dance` and Modernization of the Korean Creative Dance`. `
Thus, in the work of modernizing the Korean Creative Dance after the mid-80`s the two characteristic tendencies become greatly distinguished.
One is a form of dance such as American Postmodern-dance; another is a form of dance such as German Tanztheater.
The Korean Creative Dance breaks squarely its traditional frame by introducing these two forms of dance and thereby gets a new sphere of expression.
The kind of tendency that the Korean Creative Dance has, however, leads to a disharmony with the Korean society of the mid-80`, thereby disclosing the limitation of experimental dance. But it is the introduction of Western forms of dance after the mid-80`s that greatly contributes to the fact that the Korean Creative Dance has reached the stage in which it can secure some of its identity after the mid-90`s.
Reaching the social situation of the particular 90`s in which the pluralistic views prevail, the introduction of the aforesaid forms of Postmodern-dance and Tanztheater by the Korean Creative Dance has come to acquire their propriety.